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Hollow girl Vol 9
"Call me the Puppeteer." Young Zoe - homebound and bored - is fascinated by the strange woman who lives across the hall, even more so when she finds her collection of masks and guns.
But curiosity is never a good idea when the vigilante-medium Hollow Girl is your neighbour, and Zoe is about to bear witness to terror beyond belief.
Because when someone becomes an open door for the dead, they can't always control who or what comes through.
From Luke Cooper, creator of AloneNotLonely, Figments, Pumpernickel and A Glimpse of Hell, and artist on the award winning GoodCopBadCop, Wolf Country and Burlap: Death Waits for No One, Hollow Girl: Violation is the 9th book in the unstoppable Hollow Girl series and the most haunting and shocking so far.
"Overall, Hollow Girl ... is a story that crackles with creative energy, possessing an utterly intriguing premise and some truly stunning visuals, and with this release Luke Cooper continues to cement his reputation as one of the most exciting creators on the independent scene today." - BIG COMIC PAGE
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