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y2cl-Daily #4 - Have you Ever?
Released July 2024
Have you ever bought a y2cl-Daily book and thanked yourself cause it’s the greatest y2cl-Daily book you could possibly imagine? No? Well this may be it!
Featuring some of the following questions for you to ponder:
- Done something super awesome but no one was around to see it?
- Misjudge the size of the page you are drawing on.
- Been in a meeting and has to fart...
- Forgot your amazing idea?
- Had a perfect day ruined by your kids and looked up the number for the local orphanage?
- Danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?
- Felt optimistic and happy as well as drained?
- Lost track of time on someones Instagram?
- Got lost in the beauty of a painting?
- Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?
- Ran down some tracks to relax while pissing?
- Running a race and fading into nothingness?
- Felt like two people at the same time?
- Just wanted to draw a pretty flower?
- Relaxed in a field on a nice day?
- and many more!
y2cl-Daily was an attempt in 2016 to release a hand drawn, inked, lettered and sometimes colored comic strip every day for a full year. They have been broken out into 24 page themed issues for your reading pleasures and released every other month. At the end of each year they are collected into a volume that you can puck up that will contain six whole issues.
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