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y2cl-Daily #6 - Cover Swipes
Released November 2024
You know how it’s a trend in mainstream comics to do cover swipes, or homages to classic comic covers? Well I do that too. It's fun and let's m stretch my creative muscles a bit into things I wouldn't normally draw.
Cover swipes in this issue?
- Detective Comics #27 - Bob Kane
- Crisis on Infinite Earths #7 - George Perez
- Amazing Fantasy #15 - Jack Kirby
- Wolverine #8 - John Buscema
- Action Comics #252 - Al Plastino
- TMNT #1 - Kevin Eastman & Peter Liard
- Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #98 - Curt Swan
- House of Secrets #92 - Bernie Wrightson
- Archie #1 - Bob Montana
- DC Super-Stars #7 - Jim Aparo
- Flash #123 - Carmine Infantino
- Star Wars #1 - Howard Chaykin
- Green Lantern #84 -Neal Adams
- Justice League - Darwyn Cooke
- Batman #66 - Dick Sprang
- Betty and Me #16 - Barry Grossman
- Incredible Hulk #340 - Todd McFarlane
- Fantastic Four #1 - Jack Kirby
- X-Men #1 - Jack Kirby
- Batman #59 - Lew Sayre Schwartz
- Detective Comics #523 - Gene Colan
- El Diablo v3 #1 - Ande Parks
- Brave and Bold #200 - Jim Aparo
- Fury of the Firestorm #28 - Rafael Kayanan
- The Flash #117 - Carmine Inantino
- The Brave and The Bold #25 - Ross Andru
- Batman Adventures #12 - Mike Parobeck
- Batman #1 - Jerry Robinson
- The Killing Joke - Brian Bolland
- x-Men #11 - Jim Lee
- Superan #79 - Dan Jurgens
- Wonder Woman #88 - John Ross
- Rai #1 - David Lapham
- X-Men Adventures #1 - Andrew Wildman
- Green Day Dookie - Richie Bucher
- Green Day Kerplunk - Chris Appelgren
- Ugly Kid Joe America’s Least Wanted - Moish Brennan
- Spider-Man The Venom Factor - Ron Lim
y2cl-Daily was an attempt in 2016 to release a hand drawn, inked, lettered and sometimes colored comic strip every day for a full year. They have been broken out into 24 page themed issues for your reading pleasures and released every other month. At the end of each year they are collected into a volume that you can puck up that will contain six whole issues.
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